Our Investment Partners brings together the full palette of asset management expertise of our group.
Through a unique platform that offers immediate and simplified access to a broad range of specialist Partner companies Investment Partners has become a leader in the European asset management industry. At 31 December 2007, assets under management amounted to 344 billion pounds*, nearly half of which was managed for institutional clients.
With 2,250 professionals serving clients in 70 countries, Investment Partners draws on over half a century of asset management experience and has seen ten years of steady growth through acquisitions and joint-ventures.Through 270 client relationship managers operating in 30 countries, the network of Partners provides clients with the most advanced and dedicated expertise in asset management today, blending excellence in client service and innovative solutions.Investment Partners combines the financial strength, distribution network and focus on compliance of its parent company with the reactivity, specialisation and entrepreneurial spirit of investment boutiques.The full range of expertise of Investment Partners revolves around the following specialisations and corresponding Partner companies:
Fundamental asset management
Credit management and global fixed income (FFTW)
Alternative strategies (CooperNeff Alternative Managers, Fauchier Partners, Malbec Partners)
Currency management (Overlay Asset Management)
Private equity (Private Equity)
Multi-management (FundQuest)
Environmental markets (Impax)
with added teams tailored to specific investor profiles such as:
as well as pioneering entities to service high-growth new markets such as:
Latin America (Asset Management )
China (SYWG Asset Management)
India (Sundaram Asset Management)
South Korea (Shinhan)
Turkey (TEB Asset Management)
Morocco (BMCI Gestion)
Our Investment Partners has also built strategic alliances to provide its clients with a full range of trackers (under the EasyETF brand) and AAA multi-currency Money Market Funds (under the CFI brand)Our Investment Partners has offices in the world’s major financial centres including Paris, London, New York, Tokyo and Hong Kong.